
Wednesday, 19 February 2014


Five beautiful years!

Five years (and a few days) ago this month, I picked up my jewellery making tools for the first time. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy it, but I knew I wanted to try. 

I have loved jewellery for as long as I can recall. A teeny tiny gold ring with a script "D" was my prized possession as a four year old (well that and my trusty box of Crayolas). It was lovely and delicate and so precious to me. It still is. 

Truth be told, I cannot believe it took me as long as it did to begin making jewellery. 

I would often say to my coworkers at the time that "I should really make my own jewellery." This statement would usually come after one of us had a rough go finding jewellery for ourselves or a client. At the time, I worked in a lovely high end boutique, surrounded by beautiful clothing. In my career I have helped thousands of women select the perfect dress for their big event. And it didn't end with the dress - shoe and the perfect jewels were always part of the discussion. We were full service, and I loved it. But it drove me nuts to get them the perfect dress and not have the jewels to complete the look. And so, I would say about making my own jewellery...I would often say this in the middle of a 45 hour work week. Who had the time? Designing and making jewellery sounded great, but when?
Then a wedding or a function in my own life would arrive and again, great dress, meh jewels. And again that statement: "I should really make my own jewellery." 
I know personally I've settled for a piece of jewellery to go with a dress or outfit for myself because the perfect piece of jewellery was in my head and couldn't be found.

And so, finally five years ago it was time to stop talking and try. Now or never. I did tonnes of research and learning. Both of which never end by the way! The first thing I learned was that making jewellery would be a commitment. Even if it was only ever for myself (and my Mom and my sister)  I quickly discovered that I would need so.much.stuff. Yup, just to make one piece you need several tools. And the supplies! Well, don't even get me started on the how many of this and that you'll need. 
Good news! I immediately fell in love with the process. I've always been creative and a designer, but that doesn't automatically mean you will love every creative endeavour. Designing and making pieces with my own hands is amazing. Opening my jewellery box and selecting something to wear that I made is an awesome feeling. Seeing someone wear a piece designed and made by me is an unbelievable feeling. There aren't really any words. It feels crazy and awesome at the same time. 

Thank you for a fantastic five years!


Stephanie said...

So proud of you for taking that step, Donna! And very satisfied with my growing I am wearing earrings, necklace and TWO bracelets designed by you. Too much? Or NOT ENOUGH?

Bellabagu said...

Thanks Steph! xo